Designed with focus on safety and quality
This innovative ozone-based sterilization device has been specifically designed to sterilize heat- and moisture-sensitive devices and/or materials.
SterOx System
The SterOx System is composed of two elements
Plug & Play control station to closely monitor and safely validate each cycle
Robust and durable container for optimal conditioning and long-lasting sterility
How it works
We developed a compact device easy to operate and at an affordable cost, while being environmental-friendly and safe for the user.
CHF 8 – The cost per cycle including depreciation of the device, preventive maintenance and consumables.
50 W – The average power consumption throughout the whole duration of the sterilization cycle.
5 mL – The quantity of water required for a successful sterilization cycle.
0.2 m3 – The amount of space taken up by the device combining all elements.
Help Center
If you need help using the SterOx System call or Whatsapp us at +41 76 513 20 36 or
email us at Support is available from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 18:00 (CET).
If you are already using our products and want to place an order, please email your
order request at